Now that summer is finally here and we are seeing its bounty in the grocery stores, the question arises as to which fruits and vegetables are the most important for choosing organic.   If you can afford it, I would say always go organic.  Even if it is a little more expensive, you’re talking about the difference between a few dollars — not thousands or even hundreds of dollars.  Choosing organic not only is better for your own health, but it is better for the planet and signals to the market that people prefer organics — which will ultimately help get the prices down so everyone can afford organic.  We are reading Little House on the Prairie books, and of course everything they eat is organic (as my daughter pointed out), because pesticides had not been invented then.

But if you want to prioritize which fruits and vegetables are more important because of the amount of pesticides used on those crops, the Environmental Working Group publishes an updated list annually.   I find it very helpful!

dirty dozen

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